Integrating deliberation into governance

Integrating deliberation into governance

An academic article using "robust governance" as a framework for assessing the design of integrating deliberative mini-publics into complex political structures, through the use of six national climate assemblies as case studies.

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Understanding public deliberation in climate assemblies

Understanding public deliberation in climate assemblies

A report looking at public deliberation in citizens' climate assemblies, with a focus on the Climate Assembly UK, which was the first United Kingdom-wide citizens' assembly on climate change.

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Inclusive engagement: PB in Kenya

Inclusive engagement: PB in Kenya

This report describes the Participatory Budgeting approach adopted by Makueni and West Pokot counties (Kenya). It seeks to provide detailed information on the step by step process that the two counties have adopted and describes the support provided by the Kenya Participatory Budgeting Initiative.

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