Roadmap for the implementation of participatory budget in Ukraine
/A practice-oriented guide for the design and implementation of participatory budgeting processes, adapted to the Ukrainian context.
Read MoreA practice-oriented guide for the design and implementation of participatory budgeting processes, adapted to the Ukrainian context.
Read MoreThis document (written in Romanian) includes the methodological details of participatory budgeting experiences implemented in different Moldovan municipalities.
Read MoreA complete guide for the design and implementation of participatory budgeting (PB) in Georgia.
Read MoreA detailed guide for Croatian cities and organizations wanting to develop participatory budgeting processes.
Read MoreA detailed manual in Armenian for designing and implementating a local participatory budget (PB) process.
Read MoreA set of tools and methods applicable for facilitation of any type of participatory process that includes discussion and shared deliberation.
Read MoreThis toolkit, in Bulgarian, provides step-by-step guidance to lead a participation process at school.
Read MoreA report discussing insights from processes run in Sweden and around the world, to offer practical guidance on the design and planning of participatory budgeting.
Read MoreAn article on the use of the digital participation platform Polis in Taiwan to build consensus on hot-button political issues.
Read MoreThis guide covers each stage of organizing a citizens' assembly, drawing on case studies from the Innovation in Democracy Programme, which supported three local governments in the United Kingdom to run assemblies in their local area.
Read MoreThis toolkit, in Bulgarian, provides step-by-step guidance to lead a participation process at school.
Read MoreLATINNO is the first comprehensive and systematic source of data on new institutions for citizen participation evolving in Latin America — so-called democratic innovations.
Read MoreA report on the Warsaw Climate Panel, a citizens' panel devoted to increasing energy efficiency and the share of renewable energy sources in the city.
Read MoreA report on the online deliberation of a civic panel chosen through random selection on the future transport system in Turku, Finland.
Read MoreThis article details the wave of climate assemblies in Europe and considers their potential to push governments to act on climate change.
Read MoreA Participedia article on the Climate Assembly in Brent which was commissioned to address how the Council, local businesses, organisations and individuals could work together to limit climate change.
Read MoreThe final report of the Climate Assembly UK (CAUK), which was tasked to answer the question "How should the UK meet its target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050?".
Read MoreAn analytical study which is mainly intended for discussions to strengthen coherence between existing policies and potential actions, through promoting stakeholder engagement within water policy and climate change governance.
Read MoreA report on the collegiate body of citizens created to follow up on the Pact for Air Quality of Bogotá.
Read MoreA Participedia article on the Juntas de Acción Comunal (JACs), which are aimed to help community members in Colombia meet, plan, and discuss ways to develop their community.
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