Youth Climate Assembly in the Ida-Viru region, Estonia

Youth Climate Assembly in the Ida-Viru region, Estonia

Website with all the info and documents from Estonia’s first climate citizens' assembly, where young people from Ida-Viru County developed recommendations for a just transition to climate neutrality.

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Tartu Climate Assembly

Tartu Climate Assembly

Tartu's first climate assembly, in 2022, engaged 55 randomly chosen residents to propose ways to enhance street safety, reduce pollution, and promote a climate-friendly future.

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Guide for citizens' assemblies in Italy

Guide for citizens' assemblies in Italy

An Italian guide for the design and implementation of citizens' assemblies, explaining the main steps, showcasing good practices, and providing the necessary information for their development.

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Understanding public deliberation in climate assemblies

Understanding public deliberation in climate assemblies

A report looking at public deliberation in citizens' climate assemblies, with a focus on the Climate Assembly UK, which was the first United Kingdom-wide citizens' assembly on climate change.

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Klimaneustart Berlin: Public initiative

Klimaneustart Berlin: Public initiative

In 2021, the public initiative Klimaneustart Berlin collected over 30,000 signatures for a petition to the Berlin House of Representatives calling for a citizens’ assembly on climate, which resulted in the creation of the Berlin Climate Citizens' Council.

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Global assembly on the climate crisis

Global assembly on the climate crisis

The Global Assembly, which is made up of 150 organisations from over 50 countries around the world, aims to create a permanent global citizens’ assembly on the climate crisis and has been co-designed with institutions, scientists, citizens and social movements.

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