Adur & Worthing Climate Assembly report
/A report on the recommendations by the Climate Assembly held by the Adur & Worthing Councils in Autumn 2020 as a way for residents to help shape how the two districts tackle climate change.
Read MoreA report on the recommendations by the Climate Assembly held by the Adur & Worthing Councils in Autumn 2020 as a way for residents to help shape how the two districts tackle climate change.
Read MoreThe final report of the Climate Assembly UK (CAUK), which was tasked to answer the question "How should the UK meet its target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050?".
Read MoreA report on the results of a series of values-based focus groups ("narrative workshops") with 248 participants.
Read MoreA case study on Ghana's Forest Investment Program (FIP), which was initiated to address the trend of deforestation and forest degradation, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and improve community livelihoods.
Read MoreA report on Ghana's first deliberative poll, conducted in January 2015 in Tamale.
Read MoreA report on Africa's first two deliberative polls, conducted in July 2014 in Uganda (Bududa and Butaleja Districts).
Read MoreAn analytical study which is mainly intended for discussions to strengthen coherence between existing policies and potential actions, through promoting stakeholder engagement within water policy and climate change governance.
Read MoreA report on the results of testing and comparing specific language around climate change and renewable energy in India.
Read MoreAn academic article which examines the experiences of Quito (Ecuador) and Surat (India) to assess how civil society actors contribute to adaptation planning and implementation.
Read MoreA report on the results of the 2021 national survey in Costa Rica on citizen perception of climate change.
Read MoreA report on the collegiate body of citizens created to follow up on the Pact for Air Quality of Bogotá.
Read MoreAn online article on the green corridors in Medellín, Colombia.
Read MoreA Participedia article on the Juntas de Acción Comunal (JACs), which are aimed to help community members in Colombia meet, plan, and discuss ways to develop their community.
Read MoreA website with information on the Permanent Participatory Forum of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.
Read MoreA report on the Citizens' Council of Fortaleza which had the objective to propose solutions to the problem of urban waste in the city.
Read MoreA case study on the use of a Citizens' Jury approach to give rural residents in Minnesota the resources and information they need to think critically and create sustainable community solutions.
Read MoreThis report on the Washington Climate Assembly provides insight into the Assembly purpose and process as well as the list of climate mitigation recommendations.
Read MoreA report on the development of the climate action plan of Salt Spring Island by citizens, experts and elected officials.
Read MoreA case study on Montréal's participatory budget for the social and ecological transition.
Read MoreThis guide provides practical guidance for climate and energy communicators about what language works well and what language might pose an obstacle for communicating with any specific group.
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