The rise and fall of "participatory budgeting": The Porto Alegre story
/This article discusses the origin and process of participatory budgeting in Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Read MoreThis article discusses the origin and process of participatory budgeting in Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Read MoreThis resource provides guidance, methods and tools for designing and organizing participatory budgeting (PB) for young people, particularly aimed at teachers working in schools and educational institutions.
Read MoreA ready-to-use practical toolkit for organizing participatory budgeting (PB) for young people, aimed at teachers working in schools and other educational institutions.
Read MoreAn article written by a member of the Irish citizens' assembly, discussing her experience when deliberating on abortion legislation.
Read MoreAn article on Democracy OS, an open-source platform that aims to promote citizen engagement and transparency in government by allowing people to participate in decision-making and policy formation through online discussions and voting.
Read MoreA report looking at public deliberation in citizens' climate assemblies, with a focus on the Climate Assembly UK, which was the first United Kingdom-wide citizens' assembly on climate change.
Read MoreThis guide goes into detail on how the question in a deliberative process, such as a citizens' assembly or jury, should be framed.
Read MoreIn 2021, the public initiative Klimaneustart Berlin collected over 30,000 signatures for a petition to the Berlin House of Representatives calling for a citizens’ assembly on climate, which resulted in the creation of the Berlin Climate Citizens' Council.
Read MoreThis guide covers each stage of organizing a citizens' assembly, drawing on case studies from the Innovation in Democracy Programme, which supported three local governments in the United Kingdom to run assemblies in their local area.
Read MoreThis resource showcases participatory processes implemented with the aid of the Decide Madrid digital platform, including participatory policymaking and participatory budgeting.
Read MoreThis tool makes it easier to perform stratified random selection.
Read MoreThis toolkit, in Bulgarian, provides step-by-step guidance to lead a participation process at school.
Read MoreLATINNO is the first comprehensive and systematic source of data on new institutions for citizen participation evolving in Latin America — so-called democratic innovations.
Read MoreParticipatory budgeting began in Porto Alegre, Brazil in the early 1990s and spread around the world, but its use has since declined in Brazil. This paper examines the causes for this change.
Read MoreThis practical guidance is for policy officials who are thinking about organising a climate assembly.
Read MoreThis guide is designed to help groups and organizations implement participatory budgeting (PB) internally, with members, staff, partners, donors, and other organizational stakeholders.
Read MoreThis website provides information and resources about green participatory budgeting (PB), a way for people to make direct decisions about how budgets are spent addressing climate change and reducing carbon footprints.
Read MoreThis manual discusses the 10 steps of participatory budgeting (PB), drawing on Kenyan county examples to illustrate the practical application of the steps.
Read MoreA video about participatory budgeting in Kenya.
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