Building Inclusive

What to Pack

It will be spring in Warsaw throughout May, with temperatures reaching up to 25 Celsius during the day and falling to about 8 Celsius at night. Whilst the weather is usually bright, the city is known for being a bit windy and you should also expect some rain showers. 

Polish weather can be unpredictable. It can be balmy in summer but rain strikes at any time of year. The best strategy is to pack layers in preparation:

  • A few light weight shirts, blouses, t-shirts and some long-sleeved apparel to put on top in case it gets colder

  • Couple of lightweight sweaters 

  • A light-weight weather-proof jacket and an umbrella

  • Trousers, skirts, jeans and dresses that you can pair with other layers of clothing

  • Good walking shoes - comfortable, durable, and preferably waterproof (especially for the site visit day)

  • Universal or Type E socket adapter. 

  • Food or candies from your country that you would like to share with other members.