Building Inclusive

May 19 


Motel One Warsaw-Chopin, Tamka 38, Warsaw

Meeting Room on the ground floor next to reception desk

16:00 - 19:00 

Come say hi to us, register and get your welcome pack! 

Welcome Dinner

Barka Wynurzenie, Generała George’a Smitha Pattona, 05-077 Warszawa

20:00 - 22:30

We will meet in the hotel lobby at 19.30 pm to walk together to the restaurant.

Join us at Barka Wynurzenie, a restaurant in a boat on the Vistula River, where we will kick off our time together with a warm welcome dinner and some activities to connect with each other, celebrate our community and learn about the activities in the following days! 

May 20 

Participation in Action! Participatory and Deliberative Democracy in Warsaw

Multiple locations in Warsaw, 8:30 - 19:15

During this day we will visit multiple locations where we will learn about how organizations in Poland are doing groundbreaking work on participatory and deliberative democracy. 

1.Meeting at Motel One

Motel One Lobby, Tamka 38, Warsaw, 8:30 am 

We will meet at the lobby of Motel One and will start heading towards our first stop — Wolskie Centrum Kultury. We will travel to the cultural center via subway (M2 line) in smaller groups. 

2.Ombudsman of students rights

Wolskie Centrum Kultury, Działdowska 6, Warsaw, 9:30 - 10.30 am  

More and more cities and regions in Poland are establishing an ombudsman office for student rights. Damian Jaworek has held this position in Warsaw since 2023. During the meeting we will have the opportunity to talk about participation methods in public schools. We will also hear about methods of empowering young people. 

3.Participation in a community center

Wolskie Centrum Kultury, Działdowska 6, Warsaw, 11:00 - 12:30 pm  

After a discussion on youth, we will focus on the community center. Wolskie Cultural Center is one of Warsaw's cultural institutions that makes the most extensive use of participatory methods of involving the local community. In WCK there are many fields that neighbors can participate in - from creating the community garden to co-decision on program issues. Michal Mioduszewski, vice president for program affairs, will tell us about them. During this stop we will have a quick bite, and then we will Travel to Bednarska school via tram no. 24 in smaller groups

4.Ups and downs of practical democracy in non-public school

Bednarska School, Zawiszy 13, Warsaw, 13:00 - 14:30 pm

School complex Bednarska was founded in 1989 as the first non-public school in Poland. From the very beginning, the school describes itself as a democratic experiment. They’ve tested many democratic forms: from classical tripartite (with parliament , government and court) to forms of direct democracy. We will talk about school democracy with a teacher and two students from Bednarska. We will travel from Bednarska school to Jazdow via bus.

5.Open Jazdów Community - unique cooperation of neighbors, activists and NGOs

Gardens of Jazdów, Jazdów 10, Warsaw, 15:30 - 19:30

Open Jazdów – A Partnership For The Jazdów Settlement is the community of wooden Finnish houses located in the heart of Warsaw. The 27 houses, other buildings and adjacent gardens are the living and working places for the inhabitants, NGOs, informal groups, urban gardeners and beekeepers, academics and students, artists and employees of companies, cooperatives, embassies and public institutions. We will start with a presentation by Wojciech Matejko, leader of Otwarty Jazdów, who was involved in negotiations between citizens and municipal government. His role is also to create space for common decisions of people and organizations from Otwarty Jazdów. Then we will divide into two groups and visit two houses, held by an association of architects and community gardeners. During our time at Jazdów oven-baked pizza will be served in the green space.

5.Back to the Motel One / free time 

Motel One Lobby, Tamka 38, 20:00

Participants can head back to the hotel or spend their evening somewhere else. 

May 21

Location: The National Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw, 1 Kredytowa street, 00-056 Warsaw

Opening Session: Building Inclusive Democracy at the National Level 

Conference hall, 9:30 - 11:00 am

During this session, we will welcome members and have a discussion on compared experiences of building inclusive democracy at the national level. Panel discussion with Jakub Wygnanski (Shipyard Foundation), Blagica Petreski (Finance Think) and Greta Ríos (People Powered)


11:00- 11:30

NDI session:  Introduction to Participatory and Deliberative Democracy (PDD)

Conference room,  11:30- 12:30 pm

Learn about the theory and guiding principles at the base of PDD  (deliberative theory, participatory governance, democratic legitimacy, and civic engagement.) and the tools we can find under this umbrella. 

Hybrid Participation Templates: tools to reinforce cross learnings

Conference hall, 11:30- 12:30

Guillaume Saunier,

Learn about practical methods to make digital tools more accessible and improve collaboration between different domains. The objective of this workshop is to build together a hybrid participatory template that can be modular enough to be applied in the participants' different geographies.


Conference hall, 12:30 - 14:00 

Let’s share a meal together, get to know each other and enjoy the delicious plant-based food that  ‘Women on the Road’ - a female and migrant-led social enterprise will prepare for us.

During lunch, People Powered will facilitate an informal conversation about participants’ interest in and/or work on climate democracy.

NDI session: Exploring Different PDD Processes

Conference room, 14:00 - 15:30 

Learn about the available PDD processes, how they can be used to understand and meet different community needs, and the required resources and strategies to implement them. You will also learn about examples of how these processes have been implemented in the region and their outcomes. 

Fun-Facilitation Swap: Exchanging tools for joyous, fun & inclusive PD facilitation

Conference hall, 14:00 - 15:30

Katy Rubin, LT Practitioner

Exchange to share favorite games and exercises that make our participatory democracy processes more inclusive, generative, equitable, and joyful. Participants will share games or fun interventions that they have found successful, and then discuss challenges and applications of these exercises in diverse settings.


15:30- 16:00

Building Inclusive Democracy (BID) What have we learned with the program?

Conference hall, 16:00 - 17:00

Explore key concepts and best practices to effectively engage marginalized groups in participatory decision-making. PP and project partners will share their approach to inclusive democracy, including how to identify barriers to participation and contextualize the marginalization of specific population groups in participatory processes.

NDI session: Experience Mapping

Conference room, 16:00 - 18:30

Learn and exchange experiences with PDD— What makes a successful PDD?, What are the challenges? What resources do we already have and which ones we don’t? Which ones we can influence and which ones are out of our control? 

Train-the-trainer Using the Inclusive Democracy Training in your Work

Conference hall,  17:00 - 18:30

Empower and equip participants to hold internal and local training to share the learnings of the Building Inclusive Democracy project. The workshop will explore general facilitation skills, as well as inclusive facilitation strategies. Participants will be challenged to put some of this learning into practice in a short practical exercise.

Wrap-up for the next day

18:30 - 19:00

Join us in wrapping up a day full of activities, learning and exchanges and hear about announcements for the next day.

Night walking tour & Pub 

20:30 - 22:30

May 22

Location: The National Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw

1 Kredytowa street

00-056 Warsaw

Mainstreaming Participation Building Ecosystems of Democratic Innovation

Conference hall, 9:30-11:00

How can we connect different democratic practices into stronger democratic ecosystems? Join the roundtable discussion and with Josh Lerner (People Powered), Tim Hughes (OGP), Rachel Mims (NDI), Caroline Vernaillen (Democracy International), Andres Falck (Coglobal & Nets4Dem) and Aluna Serrano Barrera (Extituto de Política Abierta). 


11:00- 11:30

BID Case Clinics

Conference hall,  11:30 am – 12:30 pm

Reflect on how to implement strategies for including marginalized communities in participatory and deliberative processes, through an interactive session that blends peer-to-peer support with expert knowledge on addressing real-world challenges.


Conference hall,  12:30 - 14:00 

Let’s share a meal together, get to know each other and enjoy the delicious plant-based food that  ‘Women on the Road’ - a female and migrant-led social enterprise will prepare for us.

During lunch  Daniel Schugurensky will lead an informal conversation on the School PB Network

NDI Session: Promoting and Implementing PDD & Monitoring and Evaluation

Conference room, 14:00 - 15:30 

Learn about motivations citizens and government officials have to be involved in PDD, communications strategies, and actors that can support in the process. Additionally, Learn how to approach evaluation and monitoring of participatory projects

Children, youth and participatory democracy: School PB and community engagement

Conference hall, 14:00 - 15:30 

Daniel Schugurensky & Tara Barlett, Participatory Governance Initiative and Luba Batembergska, The Small Steps

Learn about the main accomplishments and challenges of participatory budgeting in schools and children's participation, and participate in exchanging experiences and generating ideas to address challenges in these spaces. 


15:30- 16:00

NDI Session: Institutionalizing PDD 

Conference room, 16:00 - 18:30 

Learn about PDD institutionalization theoretical frameworks and approaches as well as cases from different countries

Nets4Dem: Youth Participation Workshop

Conference hall, 16:00 - 17:00

Alisa Vlatic from Mosaic / Coglobal will introduce the Nets4Dem major European program to participants and share the support they can receive from it. The session will be focused on co-design building blocks for Youth & Children Participation in the Democratic Innovations Accelerator.

Mainstreaming Participation: Synthesizing Knowledge on Mainstreaming Democratic Innovations

Conference hall, 17:00 - 18:30

Join this co-creating session where we will exchange case examples, promising practices and challenges on mainstreaming participation. Workshop Outputs will feed into new curricular resources. 

Closing Session

Conference hall, 18:30- 19:00

Join us in wrapping up the member convening and reflecting on these days together, full of activities, learning and exchanges. 

Closing Reception

Cafe Bar Havana, Słowackiego 16/18, 01-627 Warsaw 

From 19.30 pm onwards

Join us to celebrate these days together and say until next time!