Osmany Porto de Oliveira

Federal University of São Paulo | São Paulo, Brazil

Osmany Porto de Oliveira is Assistant Professor of International Relations at the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp). He holds two PhDs in Political Science (University of Sorbonne Nouvelle - 2015 and University of São Paulo - 2013). He received his B.A in International Relations from the University of Bologna in Italy in 2006 and a M.A in Sociétés Contemporaines - Europe - Amériques, from the University of Sorbonne Nouvelle/IHEAL in France in 2008. His main books are International Policy Diffusion and Participatory Budgeting: Ambassadors of Participation, International Institutions and Transnational Networks, Palgrave McMillan (2017) and Le transfert d'un modèle de démocratie participative: Paradiplomatie entre Porto Alegre et Saint-Denis (2010), Éditions IHEAL/CREDA. He has conducted fieldwork about the diffusion of participatory budgeting in different countries: Brazil, Mozambique, Peru, Senegal, Kenya, United States, South Africa, Ecuador, France and Spain. 

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