Hear the Voice, Make the Change
/A guide to evaluate ‘mainstream’ participatory budgeting initiatives.
Read MoreA guide to evaluate ‘mainstream’ participatory budgeting initiatives.
Read MoreAn accessible description of the desired features for good PB, with guidance on how to put those features in place.
Read MoreA paper that outlines the relationships between specific rules of PB design and well‐being.
Read MoreA crowdsourcing platform of participation tools, cases, and organizations, for researchers, activists, practitioners, and anyone interested in public participation and democratic innovations.
Read MoreA European project that is making visible those citizen participation projects related to participatory budgets in which young people are involved.
Read MoreThis guide explains how participatory budgeting practitioners can use mass text messaging to effectively engage underrepresented communities.
Read MoreA guide that explains 15 indicators that capture important elements of PB processes. It also includes tools and research instruments to support evaluation and collection of data.
Read MoreA paper that proposes a taxonomy to distinguish the logics underpinning PB in practice: political, good governance, and technocratic.
Read MoreA report that outlines possible ways to address climate change through participatory budgeting and Citizens Assemblies.
Read MoreA video that explains how Decide Madrid, the city council's platform for citizen participation, assists citizens to coordinate with their communities to create stronger proposals.
Read MoreA guide for governments to get started with existing digital tools for democratic decision-making processes.
Read MoreThis report presents findings and recommendations for a PB framework that can reduce inequalities disabled people face, ensure their meaningful participation, and improve life outcomes.
Read MoreA report that provides insights about behavioral barriers to participation and proposes solutions for better involving PB budget delegates.
Read MoreA compilation of data on the situation of PB processes around the world, to understand the main trends.
Read MoreA sample ballot from the PB process in Vallejo, California, USA.
Read MoreA page on the PB Scotland website that outlines the benefits of PB in schools, and provides a diverse range of resources.
Read MoreA webinar that shares details on how to make PB evaluations more useful and easier.
Read MoreA 7 minute video with tools and tips for how to be an effective facilitator for PB meetings.
Read MoreA film that shows how PB in Scotland is moving to Mainstream PB, which uses voting to decide on larger public budgets.
Read MoreA video that introduces PB by telling the story of two budget delegates in New York City.
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