Participatory budgeting: Case studies in countries neighboring Czechia

A series of case studies of successful participatory budgeting (PB) experiences of neighbor countries to Czechia, including Poland and Slovakia, which can serve as a reference for the implementation of PB in Czech cities.

This publication is intended for anyone in Czechia interested in how PB can be implemented in a city. To some extent, it assumes the reader has at least a basic idea of what PB is. The publication provides a short and yet sufficiently illustrative description of the various models of PB that work in Czechia's close neighbors. In the case studies, you can find different approaches to how this method can be used to increase citizens' influence over decision-making about the city budget.

Source: „Participativní rozpočtování – inovativní nástroj dialogu radnic s občany“.
Author information: Piotr Drygała
Language: Czech

Year of publication: 2017