Mainstreaming Participatory Budgeting

A guide that aims to support public sector organizations wishing to develop ‘mainstream’ Participatory Budgeting (PB) initiatives.

This briefing has been produced in response to Scotland’s Community Choices programme and aims to support public sector organisations wishing to develop ‘mainstream’ Participatory Budgeting (PB) initiatives. 

It complements the recent Guide to Participatory Budgeting Grant-making released in September 2016. It is relevant to any organisation working in the UK with an interest in furthering democratic engagement at scale. 

It builds on learning about PB since 2000, when the first UK learning exchange to Porto Alegre took place. In 2008 the Department of Communities and Local Government promoted a national PB strategy in England. Examples in this paper include examples from that time, as well as more recent experiences in Scotland and elsewhere.

Source: Shared Future
Author information: Jez Hall

Year of publication: 2016