Handbook on participatory budgeting in youth centers in Slovenia

A manual for the implementation of participatory budgeting in youth centers in Slovenia, as a way to include more young people in the decision-making and budget allocation of youth organizations.

The participatory budgeting process includes stages such as awareness and education, where youth learn about budgeting; idea generation, encouraging them to propose projects; project development, refining ideas into feasible plans; and voting, where they select which projects to fund. Finally, the implementation and evaluation phase allows youth to see the results of their input.

This process promotes civic engagement, transparency and ownership, making it a valuable resource for practitioners in youth centers.

Source: Sticisce Sredisce
Author information: Alenka Blazinsek Domenis, Nives Felic, Darja Sekula, Vesna Strlic
Language: Slovenian

Year of publication: 2021