Citizen participation: a manual.

An Italian manual for different participatory methods in decision-making with different levels of citizen engagement. It includes information on how to implement more than 18 in person methods and also online methods, to choose the one that fits better in each context of the country

This manual illustrates the main techniques for managing participatory projects in Italy.

Most of the methods illustrated have been designed and tested and developed in France, Germany and Northern Europe, in Latin America, in the United States United States, Australia. These are good practices that are also spreading in Italy and which are experiencing growing interest especially at the Regions and local authorities, as well as in the scientific and medical communities researchers, consultants and experts that has been formed in the meantime.

These are practices that widen the spaces for discussion by opening them to citizenship. If conducted well, they can mend the relationship between administrators and administered and reconcile the population with the institutions of democracy

Source: Partecipazione - Regione Emilia-Romagna
Author information: Patrizia Nanz & Miriam Fritsche
Language: Italian

Year of publication: 2012