Diana Dajer
/Fundación Corona | Bogotá, Colombia
Diana Dajer
Diana is manager of citizen participation with Fundación Corona, working on the intersection between political inclusion and public and social innovation. She has held executive, managerial, coordination, advisory and research positions in both the public and private sectors and in nonprofit and international cooperation organizations, working to strengthen participatory democracy and support conflict transformation in Colombia and worldwide.
Previously, Diana directed the Institute of Studies of the Public Ministry in Colombia; founded and directed Policéntrico; and worked as an advisor on peace for the Colombian Ministry of Interior, project manager for the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Rule of Law Programme for Latin America, researcher for the Toledo International Centre for Peace and a Build Peace Fellow.
In addition, she has chaired the board of Build Up and received a law degree (Javeriana University), master’s degree in public policy (University of Oxford) and Ph.D. in socio-legal studies (University of Oxford).