Charter of quality for PB in Portugal
/Charter elaborated by the Portuguese Network of Local Authorities that sets basic paramethers for the quality of PB implementation.
Read MoreCharter elaborated by the Portuguese Network of Local Authorities that sets basic paramethers for the quality of PB implementation.
Read MoreVideo about the first PB process in Grenoble, France in 2015.
Read MoreThis report sums up the current state of our understanding of PB. It focuses on several important aspects of PB and how it has evolved in the past twenty years, including conditions for implementation, impacts, and the role of technology, with an emphasis on the Global South.
Read MoreAn example of the operating rules of PB, from the city of Macaé, in Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil (2010).
Read MoreA guide for using random selection in processes involving citizen participation.
Read MoreA video featuring highlighting from the first year of the Local Initiatives Support Program in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Russia, that implements PB with the support of the World Bank.
Read MoreA paper proposing the creation of "sortition chambers" on all administrative levels — from a chamber at the same level as the present-day Spanish Congress and Senate down to sortition chambers for each municipality.
Read MoreAdvocacy booklet explaining PB and its benefits. Material developed by the Centre d'Écologie Urbaine de Montréal in partnership with the Participatory Budgeting Project and Des Villes Pour Tous.
Read MoreA manual for implementing PB in Cameroon, with specific advice for community engagement and mediation.
Read MoreThis book documents how the Porto Alegre Participatory Budget came into being and how this form of managing public resources was built from the beginning: conflicts, contradictions, difficulties, and solutions that arose in the course of its construction.
Read MoreA guide to support the adoption of PB by municipalities in Mozambique, including planning, implementation, and evaluation.
Read MoreWebsite of Portugal's Youth Participatory Budget program including a video, news articles, and winning projects.
Read MoreBook edited by the Paulo Freire Institute that explores themes like citizenship, citzen participation, and social education in relation to participatory budgeting.
Read MoreCase study of PB in Rosario, Argentina including origin, design, and level and demographics of participation.
Read MoreVideo about the PB experience in Portugal, developed by the CES at the University of Coimbra. Video in Portuguese with subtitles in French.
Read MoreThe website of the participatory budgeting department at the National University of Rosario, in Argentina.
Read MoreA report of a research project that explores how and why individuals get and stay involved in different forms of participation and the factors that shape their participation over time.
Read MoreA book edited by Yves Cabannes that discusses the background and challenges of PB processes. It highlights 13 cases of PB around the world, in various contexts and institutions. It also includes recommendations to address challenges with participation.
Read MoreA guide that provides practical detail on participation methods to involve the public in issues ranging from local planning to nanotechnology.
Read MoreA paper that evaluates and finds that participatory budgeting substancially reduces infant mortality in Brazilian communities, even more so when the programme is institutionalised.
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