PB in the UK – A toolkit

A comprehensive guide that provides background and context for PB in the UK, including matrices and case studies, sample resources, and tools to implement a PB process.

The toolkit is set out into three sections. Section A provides the background and context for PB in the UK, similar to the original toolkit, and includes chapters such as ‘what is participatory budgeting’, ‘the challenges of participatory budgeting’, and ‘the models of participatory budgeting’.

Section B is the process matrices and case studies. Each stage in the process has a matrix to enable initiatives to chart their progress against best practice. The case studies provide real examples of how best practice can be achieved for each stage. Section C is the tools. The majority of the tools are either generic for any type of PB model or are focussed on the small grants process. Whilst we appreciate that there are growing number of initiatives looking at more strategic models for PB, currently the tools are not available. However, we have provided some tools and ‘think pieces’ at the end of the toolkit to help those considering a more strategic approach.

Source: PB Network

Year of publication: 2010