Register for the People Powered 2025 Convening!

Registrations are now open for the People Powered 2025 Convening, happening April 23–27, 2025, in Nairobi, Kenya. The convening is for organizations, civil servants, researchers, advocates, and funders who are working to expand participatory and deliberative democracy, locally and globally. The agenda will include training, site visits, workshops, exchanges, networking, and the development of shared resources and programs. Register now!


  • April 23–24: Professional Development Trainings & Partner Workshops—Join trainings to build practical skills and capacity, in areas such as facilitation, inclusion, and participatory democracy methods. We will also host workshops with partners to launch accelerator programs and address key global issues. 

  • April 25: Site Visits—See participatory democracy in action and learn from local experiences, through guided visits to programs in Nairobi.

  • April 26–27: Collaborative Workshops, Discussions, & Networking—Explore topics like digital engagement, inclusion, and global governance innovations, while connecting with peers worldwide. Develop shared global resources and programs to address common challenges of participation.

Why Attend?

This is a unique opportunity to gain new skills, build relationships, develop shared resources, and build a more participatory democracy. The convening will feature diverse practices of participation and deliberation, to support work on democracy renewal, participatory governance, and citizen participation. We also welcome people working on other issues, who are eager to use new democratic practices for your work. 

People Powered convenings are practical, productive, and fun! If you’re a civil servant, researcher, advocate, funder, or civil society organization that wants to expand democracy and people’s power, this event is for you.


This year we are partnering with local host and People Powered member, Institute of Public Finance, along with the Open Government Partnership and the National Endowment for Democracy.



Register by February 28 to get lower early bird registration fees. We have limited space for the professional development trainings, so register soon to secure a spot in your preferred training. 

More Info

Visit our 2025 Convening Page for details on the program, venue, and logistics.

We can’t wait to welcome you to Nairobi!