We are facing a health crisis that claims a substantive value of a greater presence of the state in the most democratic way possible. In this context, we propose to continue the last year's conference that was co-organized between the National University of General Sarmiento (UNGS), the Municipality of Gualeguaychú, the Friedrich Ebert-Stiftung Foundation Argentina (FES Argentina), and the Asociación Argentina Participatory Democracy (AADP). The conference was developed in the city mentioned and with the presence of 20 municipalities. The conclusions of the conference resulted in the publication “Reflections on the Participatory Functioning in Argentina: balances and perspectives”.
This year we propose to deepen and continue developing different training actions, linkage and diffusion about Participatory Budgeting (PB) through this conference and other actions that we will briefly inform a PB journey in universities and the publication of the World Atlas PP.
Organizer: UNGS/AADP/Fundación Ebert (Arg.)
Language: Spanish
Cost: Free
Location: Online
Time Zone: CDT