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PBbase Meeting: Evaluation of PB

Join this networking event to discuss participatory budgeting in the Baltic Sea region.

The next PBbase meeting will concentrate on the evaluation of PB processes.

Agenda (all times CET):
14:30 pm Welcome and introduction of the topic of evaluation (Peter Lorson)
14:40 p.m. Evaluation of the PB process in Bielsko-Biala (Jan Sienkiewicz)
15:05 pm “PB Evaluation Scheme” to set up an evaluation (Hans-Henning Schult)
15:30 pm Open discussion

Organized by: University of Rostock
Moderation: Peter Lorson (EmPaci lead partner and Chair of PBbase Board of Experts, University of Rostock)

Register now and feel free to spread the event!

If you need more information about this event or have any technical questions regarding this registration, please feel free to contact:

Hans-Henning Schult from University of Rostock,