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Deliberative Democracy and Climate Justice Assemblies

Hosted by NDI, this event will explore the tenets of deliberative democracy with a focus on citizen assemblies as an innovative method to address complex policy problems. The panelists will provide an overview of deliberative democracy and an in-depth look at local-level, climate justice assemblies.


  • Derek Mitchell, NDI President

  • Claudia Chwalisz, Innovative Citizen Participation Lead, OECD

  • Marcin Gerwin, PhD, Specialist in Deliberative Democracy

  • Shana Cohen, PhD, Director, TASC

  • Nikhil Kumar, Research & Policy Associate, People Powered

  • Sean McCabe, Executive Manager, TASC Climate Justice Centre

  • Kasia Pawlowska, Shipyard Foundation

  • Laura Nortey, Senior Portfolio Analyst, Open Society Foundations

Location: Online

Cost: Free

Language: English