Name of organization (If applicable)
Non-gender conforming
Prefer not to say
Your role in People Powered (mark all that apply)
Board of Directors
Global PB Research Board
Global PB Practitioner Board
Member organization
About how long have you been involved with People Powered?
How has People Powered helped you or your organization?
What do you think have been the most important outcomes of the work of People Powered?
What do you think are the main challenges facing People Powered as it works to achieve its goals?
What can you or your organization offer to help People Powered grow? (open ended)
What are two to three trends you are noticing, excited about and/or worried about with respect to participatory democracy? (open ended)
What pilot programs from our first few years should we prioritize in the next three years? (select two options from the list below)
Context: We have implemented many small projects, most funded after being chosen by members in our annual participatory budgeting vote. Some of these have led to our most successful core programs, such as the mentorship program, training and accelerator programs, Participation Playbook, and digital participation platform ratings and guidance. Others have had less clear results. We can continue some of these but not all. In your opinion, which of the programs listed below help the most to advance our mission?
Compiling research data on the impacts of participatory democracy
Regional hubs
International residencies/exchanges
Research grants
Research talks
Publication of reports and info sheets
What kinds of participatory democracy practices should we focus on in the next three years? (select up to three)
Context: We are currently supporting work on participatory budgeting, citizens’ assemblies, participatory policymaking and legislative theater, but there are also other methodologies. Should we expand our work to include other approaches (for example, by developing new content for the Participation Playbook)?
Keep focusing on the current selection of methods
Participatory planning
Transitional justice/open justice/peacebuilding
Citizen-initiated referenda
Digital democracy
What other kinds of programs and opportunities would you like People Powered to offer in the future? (open ended)
What core elements of People Powered should we revisit or revise?
Context: We developed an initial framework for People Powered in 2020, but we’ve learned a lot since then. Should we change the basic framework for People Powered based on this learning? (select one)
Theory of change
All of the above
None of the above
Other/something new (please describe)
Are you aware of any local, regional or national governments that have launched, expanded or improved participatory democracy processes after engaging in our programs? If so, please indicate the name and location of the government(s). (open ended)
Is there anything else you want to add or that you think is important for us to know? (open ended)