We build the power and impact of organizations and leaders around the world who are building a more participatory democracy, through programs such as participatory budgeting, participatory policy-making, participatory planning, and citizen assemblies.

Through this work we expand people’s power to decide government budgets, policies, and planning. We focus on supporting advocates and reformers with the greatest needs, especially those in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America.

→ Read our new Strategic Plan for 2024—2026
Other languages:
Spanish, French, Portuguese

→ Read our 2021-2023 Strategic Plan

We have come a long way! Read our 2020—2023 and 2024 Impact Reports to see the changes we’ve made in the world of participatory democracy with our members and partners.

We Develop and Share Resources

We provide a toolbox of accessible and practical resources that governments and organizations can use to plan, implement, and improve participatory programs. We partner with researchers, organizers, technologists, and designers to develop guides, tools, and content that address key needs of practitioners and advocates. We compile the best resources, to make it easier for organizations and governments to find the information they need.


Online Resource Center
To help local leaders find the resources they need, we host an online resource center with the most useful guides, tools, videos, sample materials, case studies, and reports on participatory democracy.

Participation Playbook
The Participation Playbook is an interactive online tool to help you successfully advocate for and implement a participatory program for your government or community.

Digital participation guidance
We help you effectively select and use digital participation tools by providing guidance and tool ratings.

Research data
We compile and share key research findings about the impacts of participatory democracy around the world.


We Provide Support

We connect governments and organizations with the guidance that they need to launch and improve participatory programs. We provide international learning opportunities, training, coaching, and connections for civil servants, advocates, NGOs and government reformers.


Through our Rising Stars Mentorship Program, experienced leaders of participatory democracy programs provide coaching to people that are launching new programs.

Accelerator Programs
We provide comprehensive, capacity-building support to governments and organizations through our accelerator programs. In each accelerator, we work with a cohort of innovators to prepare action plans for launching or improving participatory programs.

We deliver online courses and custom training designed to address common challenges faced by participatory programs.


We Build Community

We grow the collective power of organizations, government practitioners, researchers and advocates supporting participatory democracy. We serve as a global union for organizations and individuals working on participatory democracy, and as a global partner for international organizations and funders looking to effectively support community participation.


Member Activities
We foster collective learning and action within our community of members, by organizing activities for relationship-building, capacity-building, fundraising, co-creation, and decision-making.

We partner with international organizations and funders working on democracy, inclusion, technology, climate change and other major global issues, to help them use participatory democracy to address key challenges.