People Powered Membership Application Form

This is a form for organizations and individuals to apply to join as members of People Powered. 

People Powered members are organizations and individuals that provide direct support for participatory democracy programs, such as participatory budgeting, participatory policy-making, participatory planning, legislative theater and citizens’ assemblies and juries. People Powered supports members in addressing common challenges, building power and resources, and advocating for shared priorities. 

Read the commitments below, provide the requested information, and we'll follow up with you within four weeks.

1. Member Benefits

1.1 Fundraising support: People Powered will help identify and apply for funding opportunities, for projects that involve international collaboration.

1.2 Contract opportunities: People Powered will pass on opportunities for contract work, from inquiries and requests for technical assistance.

1.3 Peer network: Access to a global peer network, to exchange information and ideas, learn from each other, and receive technical support and resources.

1.4 Capacity strengthening: Participate in workshops, training’s, and exchanges for members, and receive regular updates and resources to support your work.

1.5 Collaboration opportunities: Contribute to collaborative projects that address common member needs, facilitated by People Powered.

1.6 Publicity: People Powered will share at least one story or update about each member’s work via its newsletter or website each year, if provided by the member. Members may include People Powered’s logo and endorsement for their projects, with prior written approval.

1.7 Decision-making power: Members help decide People Powered spending and policies to benefit the global participatory democracy community.

2. Member Commitments

2.1 Actively promote and contribute to People Powered’s mission: To expand people’s power to make government decisions, by supporting organizations and governments that are building participatory democracy around the world. Members will contribute to at least one project, work team, event, or other People Powered activity each year.

2.2 Strive to practice People Powered’s values: inclusion, collaboration, problem-solving, equity, and learning.

2.3 Conduct collaborative work ethically and respectfully. Reach agreement on consent, confidentiality, credit for contributors, and access to benefits. Treat participants in work sponsored by People Powered with respect and professionalism.

2.4 Positively and constructively engage with other members, and external stakeholders such as governments, the media, and other relevant actors at local, national, regional and international levels.

2.5 Ensure participant safety. Make every effort to anticipate, plan for, and minimize or prevent personal risks to people involved in People Powered activities, including protecting individuals’ personal information. If this is not possible, ensure full awareness and consent of those taking risks.

2.6 Share knowledge. Contribute to People Powered’s knowledge sharing and communications efforts, such as newsletters, blogs, workshops, and social media. Share relevant materials, resources, learning, news, and opportunities with People Powered and other members. We only expect members to freely share resources that are already available for free, not paid resources or products.

2.7 Promote People Powered’s work. Share People Powered announcements, opportunities, and requests with your network. Publicize your People Powered membership on your website and communications channels.

2.8 Respond to inquiries. Provide guidance and information in response to relevant questions from People Powered and other member organizations.

2.9 Provide appropriate attribution for people’s work. All members involved in the production of collaborative research or work must ensure attribution for contributors. Discuss and agree to attribution before sharing work publicly.

2.10 Follow Creative Commons licensing permissions for using and sharing work undertaken through People Powered. The default license for work produced or sponsored by People Powered is the Creative Commons NonCommercial Share Alike, which allows other parties to share (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format) or adapt (remix, transform, and build upon the material) under the following terms:

2.10.1 Attribution: You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.

2.10.2 NonCommercial: You may not use the material for commercial purposes.

2.10.3 Share Alike: If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.

2.11 Disclose legal obligations. Bring to the attention of People Powered any laws or other rules set by members’ own government or employer that could impact their involvement in collaborative work.

3. Conditions

3.1 Conflicts of interest. When undertaking work with or through People Powered, disclose any potential conflicts of interest that in actuality or perception conflict with the member agreements.

3.2 External collaborations. When People Powered participates in a project coordinated, funded, or sponsored by another entity, its staff and board will seek to ensure that People Powered and its members can still follow the member agreements. If this is not possible, project participants will discuss, decide whether to still participate, and agree on adjustments prior to starting the project.

3.3 Monitoring and enforcement. Any violation of these agreements should be shared immediately with People Powered staff, who will investigate the concerns. If violations are substantiated, People Powered will discuss remedies with the appropriate parties.

3.4 Project-specific variations. Because requirements and expectations may vary by activity, partner, and context, participants in collaborative projects will discuss and agree on project-specific ways to carry out the commitments above before initiating work.

3.5 Termination of membership: If a member is unable to meet the above agreements and conditions, People Powered may ask them to leave the membership.