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Participatory Budgets in Europe and Latin America: Debate on Advances and Setbacks in Portugal and Brazil

Panelists from Europe and Latin America will discuss the evolution of participatory budgeting in Portugal and Brazil.


  • Professor Giovanni Allegretti (UC)

  • Rodrigo S. Bogo (UNESP)

  • Professor Yves Cabannes (UCL)

  • Dr Roberto Falanga (ICS - ULisboa)

  • Professor Alfredo Alejandro Gugliano (UFRGS)

  • Professora Ligia Helena Hahn Luchmann (UFSC)

  • Gil Pradeau (U. Westminster)

This event will take place in Portuguese.

Join on Zoom:

Meeting ID: 89874658026
Password: 724498

debate sobre avanços e retrocessos em Portugal e no Brasil.jpg